
An Alliance of Compassionate Leaders


Over the Course of 9 Months...

Groups of 6 to 8 leaders will meet 12 times for the purpose of helping each other navigate their respective challenges.
The 12 required meetings are highlighted in the calendar below.
In addition to the 12 meetings, there are also optional sessions where you can receive or witness support. These optional sessions are called Pair Support and Open Coaching.
The program runs in 4 week cycles. All sessions are 2 hours in length, unless noted otherwise.
All required sessions take place at the same time and day of the week, based on your preference.
After you’ve gone through the Intro to Pair Support, you can optionally host subsequent pair support sessions privately between you and your partner during a time convenient to both of you.
Open Coaching Sessions take place at a time convenient for the member being coached.
Open Coaching Sessions are video-recorded for viewing by members after the session.
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Cycle 0
Feb 27 – Mar 26
(2.5 hours)
Cycle 1
Mar 27 – Apr 23
Intro to Pair Support 
(2.5 hours)
Intro to Team Support
Open Coaching (Slim)
Apr 24 – Apr 30
Cycle 2
May 1 – May 28
Pair Support
Pair Support
Open Coaching (Slim)
Cycle 3
May 29 – Jun 25
Open Coaching (Guest Coach)
Pair Support
Team Support
Pair Support
Open Coaching (Slim)
Jun 26 – Jul 2
Cycle 4
Jul 3 – Jul 30
Open Coaching (Guest Coach)
Pair Support
Pair Support
Open Coaching (Slim)
Cycle 5
Jul 31 – Aug 27
Pair Support
Team Support
Pair Support
Open Coaching (Slim)
Cycle 6
Aug 28 – Sep 24
Open Coaching (Guest Coach)
Pair Support
Pair Support
Open Coaching (Slim)
Cycle 7
Sep 25 – Oct 22
Pair Support
Team Support
Pair Support
Open Coaching (Slim)
Cycle 8
Oct 23 – Nov 19
Open Coaching (Guest Coach)
Pair Support
Pair Support
Open Coaching (Slim)
Cycle 9
Nov 20 – Dec 17
Pair Support
Team Support
Pair Support
Open Coaching (Slim)

1-on-1 Sessions

There are two different types of 1-on-1 sessions.

pair support

You will receive 1-on-1 support from another member of your cohort in the privacy of a breakout room or during a time convenient to both of you.

open coaching

1 volunteered member of the community will receive 1-on-1 coaching from a professional coach while others in the community learn from listening to their coaching session.

Group Sessions

There are two different types of group sessions.

team support

A volunteered member of your cohort will lead everyone in the group to give and receive support from one another on a pre-defined topic customized and prioritized to the needs of the cohort members.
A professional facilitator will be present to support the team lead and other members as needed.


Members of your cohort will take turns one-by-one asking for and receiving help from everyone else in the cohort on a topic of their personal choice.